Curious and with a discovering documentary eye, the renowned director Eric Friedler (It Must Schwing! The Blue Note Story) and his co-director Andreas Frege - better known as Campino from the German band Die Toten Hosen - approach the man and director Wim Wenders and his great films (Paris, Texas, Der Himmel über Berlin, Buena Vista Social Club...) and also take those along on the journey who are not proven connoisseurs of the film art scene. - A film not only about the love of cinema, but about an artist who takes the risk of failure with every film: artistically as well as humanly - and often also financially.
Curious and with a discovering documentary eye, the renowned director Eric Friedler (It Must Schwing! The Blue Note Story) and his co-director Andreas Frege - better known as Campino from the German band Die Toten Hosen - approach the man and director Wim Wenders and his great films (Paris, Texas, Der Himmel über Berlin, Buena Vista Social Club...) and also take those along on the journey who are not proven connoisseurs of the film art scene. - A film not only about the love of cinema, but about an artist who takes the risk of failure with every film: artistically as well as humanly - and often also financially.